Thursday 10 July 2014

Fit in 15 Days - Day One

I'm not a fan of exercise classes. I've done aquacise with friends but never found bouncing about in a dance studio much fun. Yet I need some sort of exercise routine.

I've gone and got my fat back. After years of shifting it and being 1 inch from my target, I've thrown it away on pizzas and Granny P pies. I'm not unique in my self loathing but it hurts more this time.

I bought all new thin summer clothes and now not one item fits. My legs look like bloated tree trunks and I'm starting to collect bags of fat on my arse. And let's not mention the double chin.

So I paid £5 for Davina fit in 15. It's been sat looking at me for 2 weeks and today I decided I was going to give it a whirl. Rather than putting off the inevitable and getting even fatter.  I decided I'd give it 15 days to change me.

Here's the thing if all it does it's improve my cardio so I feel better about heading to the gym and using a treadmill for 20 minutes then I'm happy. I'm not about weight loss just the inches and all those lovely clothes I bought sat waiting for me to wear.

I started with the cardio. I'm tierd and hated davina firming face but I did love that she was fucked halfway through too. It's hard & intense but the sweat dripping off me equates to inches so it was worth it. I've done other DVDs and found them lacking. This I was light headed and in need of a hug. I prey it only gets better tomorrow.