Not one for New Years Resolutions that actually change your life I did on my first day back to work start having a Berocca tablet. Berocca claims to be "you on a really good day". Its basically a crap load of vitamin C and those pesky B vitamins ( has all the sales gumpf).
Does it work?
After two weeks I'm going to say yes. I feel more alert, the mid day dip in energy has gone. On the days I forget to have one it's not a good day.
Does it taste nice?
Not really. It tastes like cheap orange squash but the fizz makes an improvement to the taste and don't smell it because it's not a good smell.
What happens to the unneeded vitamins?
At some point in the day if you have a good level of the vitamins then you will have a pee that's a really bright yellow. It's as unsettling as when you eat beetroot.
It wasn't a resolution but overdosing on vitamins B and C is currently working for me more than caffine.