Sunday, 29 April 2012


When I worked at a cinema Zathura was one of the many films shown. It was billed as a space Jumanji. This film brings back bad memories. I worked a weekend which also happened to be the height of a vomiting bug going round the schools. I had to clean up a lot of sick in the screens showing that film. One child projectile vomited on the escalator it was rancid.

It's also the first movie I saw with Kirsten Stewart in. Reason two for my hate. Now I have the third. The annoying older brother is PEETA MELARK. I hated the boy when he was in the vomit Zathura (I even found him annoying in Bridge to Terabithia) but now he portrays my most hated fictional character.

Zathura I hate you.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Mark Owen would have a way better Garden Party

So M&S, not content with only coating half (HALF) Percy Pigs pants in hundreds and thousands and charging £6 for the pleasure they are now telling us the here comes the sun.

That's right the same week middle earth gets a ban on hose pipes and the rain comes down and the floods rise up in the North Gary Barlows having a garden party at his middle earth mansion. His mates Myeline Class and Dannie Minogue are having a egg and spoon race and grandad got out the old tv to watch the olympics. Shame that it won't work as its analogue but hey we can have a sing song round a campfire but Marks not coming. He's got the chiminea on and him and Kylie are watching the olympics on the out door projector.

Friday, 13 January 2012

You on a really good day

Not one for New Years Resolutions that actually change your life I did on my first day back to work start having a Berocca tablet. Berocca claims to be "you on a really good day". Its basically a crap load of vitamin C and those pesky B vitamins ( has all the sales gumpf).

Does it work?
After two weeks I'm going to say yes. I feel more alert, the mid day dip in energy has gone. On the days I forget to have one it's not a good day.

Does it taste nice?
Not really. It tastes like cheap orange squash but the fizz makes an improvement to the taste and don't smell it because it's not a good smell.

What happens to the unneeded vitamins?
At some point in the day if you have a good level of the vitamins then you will have a pee that's a really bright yellow. It's as unsettling as when you eat beetroot.

It wasn't a resolution but overdosing on vitamins B and C is currently working for me more than caffine.